Wondering whether you need to replace your Milwaukee concrete garage slab? Believe it or not, this is a pretty common question. After all, garage floors can experience a lot of wear and tear. Though concrete is exceptionally durable and withstands a lot, it can still get damaged and eventually require replacing. There are some telltale signs that will help you recognize whether or not your concrete garage slab is in need of attention. Here is what to look out for and how we can help.

Identifying an Unstable Concrete 

Severe concrete damage can be a safety risk and also affect the value of your home. Familiarize yourself with the following signs so you can get ahead of excess damage and expensive repair jobs. 

The Appearance of Cracks

An obvious indicator that your concrete needs repair is the appearance of cracks. Cracks can form in concrete if the soil beneath expands and contracts from weather conditions. Excessive moisture on the concrete and soil combined with hot, dry weather is one of the ways this can happen. Consult with your local concrete repair experts to determine whether the concrete floor can be touched up or if your garage concrete slab indeed requires replacing.

Uneven Surfaces

Another sign that you may need to replace your Milwaukee concrete garage slab is uneven surfaces. This may also occur due to weather or a poor job laying down the foundation. If uneven concrete is not addressed quickly crumbling and breakage can occur. Take action as soon as possible to avoid the need for replacement.

Pools of Water

If you notice water collecting on the surface of your garage floor take action immediately. When water is not able to drain away on its own it will wear the concrete down and result in the need for repairs or replacement. Ideally, the concrete was coated with a waterproof coating to protect it from things like this. However, the coating will thin out if exposed to enough harsh elements.  

Obvious Signs of Aging

Concrete will eventually wear down with age. All of the examples listed above including cracks, pooling water, potholes, and unevenness can indicate damages caused by aging. Have your Milwaukee concrete garage slab evaluated by a construction company to determine what the best action is to take. 

How Concrete is Replaced and Repaired

Before any type of concrete can be repaired it’s essential that an analysis of deterioration or structure failure is completed. Ideally, this is done by a professional concrete repair company with enough experience handling concrete repairs in your area. Once a full inspection has been done the company will decide on the best course of action going forward. Some examples of how they may choose to replace or repair your Milwaukee concrete garage slab are:

Synthetic Patches

When concrete has small breaks from impact special patching cement or mortar can be used to patch it up. Ordinary cement is not recommended as it tends to dry out too quickly and lose most of its strength. Large repairs will likely require both forms and reinforcements which are best handled by someone with experience.

The Dry-Pack Method 

Dry-pack mortar is used to fill in deep holes in concrete slabs. It is a stiff sand-cement mortar specifically used for deeper, rather than wide, cracks in the cement. The mortar is compacted into the hole with a hardwood dowel or stick with a hammer. The hole should be overfilled slights and then pounded several times to push it into place.

Preplaced Aggregate Concrete

This concrete replacement method has been around since the late 1930s. Because the aggregate is washed and placed into the formwork because the grout is injected, the aggregate-to-cement ratio is optimal. Any water in the formwork is then displaced as the grout fills all of the voids between the aggregate, leading to a much stronger repair. 

Replacement of Unformed Concrete

Repair work can be bonded to the old concrete using a bond coat made of equal parts sand-cement. The consistency should be comparable to whipped cream and applied immediately before the new concrete is placed so it won’t set or dry out. 

Complete Concrete Replacement

Complete concrete replacement is necessary if one-half or more of the square footage of the surface is damaged, or if the damaged concrete exceeds 6 inches. In these instances, standard concrete placement methods will be effective. If repair is preferred over replacement, a construction professional should be consulted.

We Can Replace Your Milwaukee Concrete Garage Slab 

If you think you need to replace your Milwaukee concrete garage slab, don’t waste any time hiring a team or contractor to assess the damage. JBS Construction can complete the concrete replacement quickly and correctly so you’re no longer driving and parking on a broken garage slab. 

Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!